Welcome to OurAreaTM
OurAreaTM is a service provider
A residents association (RA) connects residents of an area into a community to provide a healthy, safe, and caring environment where one is proud to belong. For such a community, a website that provides the latest information on the association as well as timely news is even more important than a physical RA office. A website helps to make an RA more democratic by making the RA leadership more transparent as well as providing an active forum to make the everyday lives of residents are comfortable.
Residents Association

Community Associations
- Increases the sense of belonging to a community
- Unified tenant voice for fairness in rent, service charges and building maintenance standards
- Resolving disputes between residents
- Organizing events
- Website with current local news including store sales
- Website bulletin board with info affecting residents

Homeowners' Associations
- Well-maintained common areas and amenities
- Detering nuisance activity
- Organizing events
- Website with current local news including store sales
- Website bulletin board with info affecting resident

Neighborhood Associations
- Safety policies and practices
- Efficiently implementing individual and shared responsibilities for clean and secure environment for all
- Extra support with community issues
- Unified voice to interact with individuals, local government or other organizations
- Website with current local news including store sales
- Website bulletin board with info affecting residents
Instant Website & Hosting

RA website launched in hours

No need to register domain name

No need to design website

No need to look for website hosting

Robust website

No need to maintain website

Edit info without having to be tech-savvy

No need to renew domain name

Generate revenue instead of incurring website cost

Increased communal safety through info a click away

Info on actions/activities of RA visible on RA bulletin board

Easier membership collection and management
What Our Customers Say
Judge Nagar Residence Association
Ourarea.net recently delivered to us a turn-key website as promised on their website. Member Discounts (from merchants having announcements on the website), the paid member’s privilege of posting on the association bulletin board, and the online membership dues payment facility should help us to make our membership collection more efficient and smooth. And a fraction of our income from the merchant sponsors should pay the fair cost of the website hosting and management. I will report back here soon.
Secretary Subash Chandran